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Harp within Theatre

Ceri has had the privilege of working as a physical theatre and dance practitioner, circus performer and musician. 

Cymru : Brasil

The harp has accompanied Ceri as she studied dance in Liverpool, along theatre travels and tours, and to her circus training with Greentop Circus in Sheffield. In 2012 a dream of Ceri's came to life, as she was able to combine her theatre and musical skills with not only the concert harp, but by introducing the celtic harp into productions, making for some spectacular sights! 


To read more about the theatre projects Ceri has been involved with, click on the pictures below:


Cymru : Brasil 2012-2014

Cymru : Brasil 2012-2014

The Fish Hearted Bride, Effervescent Social Alchemy 2013

The Fish Hearted Bride, Effervescent Social Alchemy 2013

Y Storm, Theatr Genedlaethol 2012

Y Storm, Theatr Genedlaethol 2012