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Cymru : Brasil

A project which explores cultural and heritage fusion between two very different nations, Wales and Brazil. 

Wandering Tales, 2014, Llangollen Eisteddfod

Wandering Tales, 2014, Llangollen Eisteddfod

By considering how we show others who we are and where we come from, Cymru : Brasil looks at communication: how we can share our culture with others, and how do we identify where we belong.

The concept came about after Welsh choreographer and performer Angharad Harrop went to Rio de Janeiro for the first time in 2008. Angharad travelled to Rio to further study capoeira towards her Contemporary Dance Masters degree. While in Rio she befriended Ruan and Pedro, capoeira brothers with a passion for musicality as well as movement.

The three started improvising with traditional Brazilian instruments, capoeria, contemporary and improvisational dance. Angharad was not only drawn to the music, but noticed a similarity between Brazilian and Welsh folk music and history. To further this inquisitive thought in 2012 she received Arts Council Wales funding for research & development and so Ruan, Pedro and Feino flew aaway from the 40 degree rays of Rio to the harsh February winds and side rain of Wales!

On the Welsh team we had myself as harpist, clogger and contemporary dancer, Ynyr Gruffudd on guitar and singing, and Angharad on the dance floor combining Welsh and Brazilian movement. Dancer and capoeirista Will Thornburn also performed with us - a male version of Angharad, trained in contemporary dance, and has also studied capoeira in Rio.

The two weeks of research and development was an inspiring collaboration between welsh music and brazilian movement, and vice versa. We performed the 20 minute findings at Edge Hill University, De-Montford Festival, and for the Queen’s Jubilee tour.

Research and development

Research and development

In 2013 Cymru : Brasil were awarded funding to further the research into an hour long performance. The boys once again came to Wales, and we gained Deborah and Cris as female Brazilian dancers, and of course the very talented Henry Horrell, violinist exraodinare.

I thoroughly enjoyed working with Henry and his musical knowledge. From welsh jigs, lullabies and waltz's, we re-built them for harp and violin, with the heartwarming addition of brazilian guitar, drums and berimbau.

We performed Man Cyfarfod / Meeting Place on the main stage and S4C stage at Llangollen International Eisteddfod, and also as a promenade at Aber Falls, North Wales. To equal out the balance (!) we then went to Rio de Janeiro where we performed after a two week residency at Centro Coreográfico.

I've always played my concert harp in the show, and after discussions, we didn't want to loose the range this harp added to the work. After a bit of searching we were lucky enough to rent a harp in Rio! I was very privilaged to play an old French pedal harp, beautifully decorated with years of history.

Man Cyfarfod is an absolute pleasure to perform and be part of. To be given the opportunity to explore the possibilities of harp with traditional and modern movement from my culture, and that of a beautiful country thousands of miles away is and always will be a great honour.

Man Cyfarfod 2013, Llangollen Eisteddfod

Man Cyfarfod 2013, Llangollen Eisteddfod

Wandering Tales, 2014, Llangollen Eisteddfod

Wandering Tales, 2014, Llangollen Eisteddfod

Cymru : Brasil's clogs and capoeira were invited back to the International Eisteddfod 2014 with a commission to create a show for children's day. Wandering Tales saw us all delve into our childhood, taking snippets from Brazilian folk stories and the Welsh Mabinogi, with the addition of 'Eu Di Deryn Du' and 'Jac Do' as well as songs written by the company in Welsh, English and Portuguese.