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Y Storm | The Tempest

Directed by Elen Bowman, Theatr Genethedol Cymru, 2012 Tour

Photography: Jon Turtle

Photography: Jon Turtle

‘Y Storm’ is a Welsh language adaptation by Gwyneth Lewis of Shakespeare’s classic ‘The Tempest’, and was part of the World Shakespeare Festival and the London 2012 Festival, the cultural programme of the Olympic games.

Y Storm was an exciting show full of  elements such as circus, dance, music and a little magic. The show was performed in a Saddle Span circus tent, which allowed for inventive staging and  lighting design, and immersed the audience in the dynamic journey. The production included commissioned live music, and the physical element of circus by Citrus Arts.

I played  Iris, one of Aerial's spirits. Within this role I caused mischief by swinging on ropes and fabric, hanging from the truss, being a giant harpy on stilts, and I played the celtic harp whilst spiraling above the audience while being counter-weighted in a harness.


Photography: Jon Turtle

Photography: Jon Turtle