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Telyn Harp Tales

~ the musical outlet for harpist and performer Ceri Angharad

About Ceri

Born and raised in the rugged countryside of North Wales, Ceri developed a love for music, as well as performance, from an early age.

She started playing the harp at age 8 and continued through her dance, theatre and circus training. She has had the privilege of working nationally and internationally within theatre and as a musician, from Llangollen Eisteddfod in Wales, to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Since completing her yoga teacher training in 2019 the harp has also followed her into this field, with it being the perfect sound to aid yin yoga.

Now based in Bergen, Norway, she enjoys tailoring harp performances for a variety of events.

Telyn is the Welsh word for Harp. In English it might be pronounced “tellin’”. Ceri would like nothing more than to tell her harp tales at your event bringing the unique and captivating sound of the harp to 

weddings ❈ funerals ❈  theatre ❈ festivals ❈ community projects  ❈ concerts  ❈ corporate events  ❈ private functions

For more information click on the images below



Something a little different

Something a little different

Harp Within Theatre

Harp Within Theatre